Book Summaries

Man’s Search For Meaning Summary by Viktor Frankl

Who are you when you are no one? A holocaust memoir and discovery of meaning by Viktor Frankl.

The War of Art Summary by Steven Pressfield

Most of us have two lives: The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.

Think And Grow Rich Summary by Napoleon Hill

A turn-key solution for anyone looking to understand what wealth is and how you can achieve it.

The Four Agreements Summary by Don Miguel Ruiz

A road to reaching freedom by exploring the wisdom of the Toltecs, an indigenous people of Mexico.

The Compound Effect Summary by Darren Hardy

In short: Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE!

Outwitting The Devil Summary by Napoleon Hill

A Q&A between Napoleon Hill, and The Devil himself, who claims to influence 98% of the population.